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Here are the cultivation tips for carnivorous plants of the PINGUICULA genus. Some species require different treatment whether for watering, repotting, lighting... These particularities are noted at the level of each plant description in the PINGUICULA store.


Up to 35°C in summer and 5 to 15°C in winter.


Although it is one of the few carnivorous plants to tolerate limestone, use mainly rainwater or demineralized water. Do not use bottled water, they usually contain salts that are harmful to the plant. In summer, place the plant in a saucer containing 1 to 2 cm of water. Do not water from above. In winter, keep the substrate almost dry.


To be totally avoided! The plant provides its own organic nutrient needs thanks to its traps.


Place butterworts in a bright location with little direct sunlight in summer. In winter, they particularly appreciate the brightness of a well-exposed window, or artificial light.


Depending on the species, use our Substrate for pinguicula composed of sepiolitic and dolomite clay and perlite which ensure the drainage of the substrate or Blond peat mixed with a large proportion of perlite and vermiculite . In a mineral substrate, it grows slowly but surely.