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Here are the growing tips for carnivorous plants of the NEPENTHES genus. Some species require different treatment, whether for watering, temperature, light, etc. These particularities are noted in the description of each species, in the NEPENTHES store.


Between 10 and 17°C at night, 20 and 30°C during the day.


Use only rainwater, demineralized or reverse osmosis. Water that is too hard will cause the plant to die in a few weeks. Do not use bottled water, it generally contains too much salt, which is harmful to the plant. Water from above and do not let the water stagnate (as with orchids, the roots are vulnerable to rotting).


In spring, water once every two weeks with quarter-strength orchid fertilizer.


No direct sunlight, light intensity equivalent to 50% of solar intensity. Indoors, an artificial light supply is very beneficial or even essential.


The Nepenthes mix has been specially designed for these plants. It is a substrate composed of dehydrated sphagnum moss , coconut fiber , pine bark and blond peat .